Styčná kancelária SR pre výskum a vývoj v Bruseli


Informal lecture of Prof. Vladimír Bužek – SECRET LIFE OF QUBITS

Slovak Liaison Office for Research and Development and

Permanent Representation of the SR to the EU

would like to kindly invite you to  

an informal lecture


Prof. RnDr. Vladimír Bužek, DrSc.

Secret life of qubits: Shading light on quantum computers

held in premises of Permanent Representation of the SR to the EU, Avenue de Cortenbergh 107, 1000 Brussels

on  Wednesday 11 November 2015 at 18:00. 

Prof. Bužek will introduce an emergent field of quantum (information) technologies. In order to appreciate better the transformative potential of quantum technologies he will explain basic principles of quantum theory in terms very understandable for a general audience.
In particular, Mr. Bužek will describe in detail two phenomena: quantum superpositions and a quantum entanglement.
Finally, two examples of quantum technologies, namely, the quantum computer and the quantum- key-distribution scheme will be presented.

 Come to us for a quantum of  information and enjoy this Science evening! 

(The lecture will be followed by a glass of wine)
