Styčná kancelária SR pre výskum a vývoj v Bruseli


„Women In Science – How To Increase Women´s Participation In Science?“

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Slovak Liaison Office for Research and Development and Permanent Representation of the Slovak Republic to the EU are pleased to invite you to the conference „Women In Science –  How To Increase Women´s Participation In Science?“

The main aim of the event is to discuss women´s participation in science and research and main challenges facing female scientists. The conference will bring together scientists, policy makers and experts to discuss conditions for women in science and the key factors behind the low representation of women in leading positions and within some scientific domains and fields of study. The conference will consist of two parts.

The first  part will be dedicated to a presentation of  current  statistics,  initiatives  and  different  analytical  view points on issue of gender equality in science and research. The second part of the event will have a form of the  panel  discussion  where  female  scientists  will  discuss  the  main  problems,  barriers  and  necessary changes to be made at all levels. Despite  the  fact that women  represent  half  of  the  population,  their representation in science, research  and  innovation  lag  behind. Nevertheless, a  number  of international  organizations  and European  institutions  have paid attention to  gender equality in  science,  empowerment  of  female scientists  and  better  use  of  their  educational  and  intellectual  potential. Thanks  to these  efforts  and visibility of the topic, gender equality has become a theme of political and expert discussion. Yet at the same  time, neither  of  these  efforts  has ensured  equal  representation  of  women in  leading  positions and within some scientific domains and fields of study.

The conference will be held on 21 November 2017, 14:00 – 19:00 at the Permanent Representation of the Slovak Republic to the EU (Avenue de Cortenbergh 107, 1000 Brussels).