Styčná kancelária SR pre výskum a vývoj v Bruseli


V4 Conference on Digital Transformation, 6 June 2019, Brussels

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V4 Conference on Digital Transformation


Topic: Digital Transformation in the New Era: Current status and Future Challenges


When? 6 June 2019, 08:30 – 13:30


Where? Permanent Representation of the Slovak Republic to the EU, Avenue de Cortenbergh 79, 1000 Brussels


The digital transformation and the integration of digital technologies into all areas of society and economy is the most recent challenge that the European Union is facing, and the Visegrad Group region is no exception. Digital transformation has become a powerful driver of social transformation, reshaping individual lives and interactions.


Digital transformation means a strategic, planned and organizational change – this change calls for the development of appropriate policies, regulations and various instruments to support this process while keeping it in within the limits we consider necessary. The Visegrad countries as the members of the Union are contributing to the commitment of establishing the Digital Single Market and want to ensure that people and companies fully benefit from the digital transformation.


Therefore, the aim of the Conference is to bring together distinguished experts, professionals, researchers and practitioners from various areas, which have been directly confronted with the uptake and real applications of digital transformation. The event is divided into two main parts: 1) the panel discussion of the EU and OECD policy representatives will focus on different policy initiatives at the European level and their interaction within the next MFF (2021-2027); 2) the second part will present concrete examples from the Visegrad group countries, both from practitioners and governmental perspectives, that confirm the continuous interest of our region to be an active player in ongoing processes proper to the digital transformation at EU level.


In terms of audience, up to 120 participants covering Member State and Associate Country delegations (attachés); European Commission, European Parliament, Committee of Regions, GSC, national ministries / offices; IGLO members; associations and other stakeholders are expected at this conference.


Preliminary agenda:

08:30  Registration


09:00  Opening remarks by Marek ČANECKÝ, Digital Agenda Expert, Office of the Deputy Prime Minister of the Slovak Republic for Investments and Informatization


09:05  Keynote speech by Khalil ROUHANA, Deputy Director General, DG CONNECT, European Commission


09:25  Roundtable discussion: How will different policy initiatives at the European level interlink and reinforce each other in the light of the next MFF (2021-2027):

  • Fabrizia BENINI, Head of Unit, Digital Economy and Skills, DG CONNECT
  • José COTTA, Head of Unit, Industry 5.0, DG RTD
  • Andrei BUNIS, Policy Officer, Advanced Technologies, Clusters and Social Economy, DG GROW
  • Andrew GREEN, Labour Market Economist, Employment, Labour and Social Affairs Directorate, OECD

10:25 Coffee break 


10:45 Examples from the Visegrad group countries:

a)      Governmental Perspective:

  • Miloš KOTEREC, Technology and Innovation Advisor at the Deputy Prime Minister’s Office for Investments and Informatization, Slovakia
  • Vladimír DZURILLA, Chief Digital Officer for IT and Digitalization, Office of the Government of the Czech Republic
  • Justyna ROMANOWSKA, Counsellor / Digital Attaché at the Digital Affairs Section within the Permanent Representation of the Republic of Poland to the EU
  • István ERÉNYI, Senior Counsellor, Ministry of National Development of Hungary

b)      Practitioner’s Perspective:

  • Viera ROZINAJOVÁ, Vice-Dean, Faculty of Informatics and Information Technologies, Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava, Slovakia
  • Pavel KRÖMER, Vice-Dean, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, VŠB – Technical University of Ostrava, Czechia
  • Stefan DZIEMBOWSKI, Professor, Institute of Informatics of the Faculty of Mathematics, Informatics and Mechanics, University of Warsaw, Poland
  • Tamás JANKÓ, Senior Advisor, Ministry of Innovation and Technology / Centre for Digital Pedagogy and Methodology, Hungary

12:15 Closing remarks by Fabio PIANESI, Head of External Collaboration, EIT Digital

Moderator: Marek ČANECKÝ

The event is followed by a lunch reception

Apologies, the REGISTRATION is now closed (the event is fully booked)