Styčná kancelária SR pre výskum a vývoj v Bruseli


Slovak Company DimensionLab Teams Up with NVIDIA to Revolutionize Engineering Simulations

In the intricate realm of engineering simulations, DimensionLab, a prominent Slovak software studio, is setting a new industry standard. By forming a strategic collaboration with NVIDIA, they harness the capabilities of NVIDIA’s advanced platform, NVIDIA Modulus. The outcome of this partnership is, a sophisticated yet user-friendly, AI-driven web platform tailored for modern engineering challenges. Designed with a focus on seamless user experience, DimensionLab’s platform empowers professionals to craft and refine complex simulations without necessitating in-depth knowledge of AI.

A standout feature is Simulation Studio, a part of the platform dedicated to real-time visualization of simulation outcomes. This hybrid tool, a blend of web-based and native applications, employs the Unreal Engine and takes advantage of pixel streaming. All rendering processes occur in the cloud, with results delivered as video streams to users. It’s here that the magic of „Digital Twins“ comes into play. Professionals can load simulators crafted in Model Engineer into the Simulation Studio, forging interactive digital replicas for accelerated virtual physics experiments.

Picture 1:’s Model Engineer features a flowchart-based visual interface, streamlining simulator design.

One of the most striking success stories emerging from DimensionLab’s innovative approach involves a hydropower plant project. In this undertaking, a river flow simulation that historically took a consulting firm a staggering four years to finalize was reimagined using The result was a swift three-week completion timeline, showcasing an astounding 96% reduction in both time and associated costs.

Picture 2: Within, the Simulation Studio integrates the parameterized AI surrogate model, enabling dynamic simulation interactions via the Unreal Engine. not only streamlines engineering workflows but also stands as a testament to DimensionLab’s commitment to bridging traditional engineering methods with cutting-edge AI technologies. Through their collaboration with NVIDIA, DimensionLab underscores the transformative power of synergizing technology and creativity, offering solutions that place users‘ needs at the center of innovation.

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Published, 14.11.2023, slord