Styčná kancelária SR pre výskum a vývoj v Bruseli


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Začiatok Koniec Typ Organizátor Názov Miesto konania
02.12.2015 09:00 03.12.2015 18:00 Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Pécs-Baranya „Intro“ IMP3rove training in Budapest Budapešť
01.12.2015 19:00 01.12.2015 21:30 Plant ETP Climate change, the Role of Crop Plants Workshop Brusel
01.12.2015 09:00 02.12.2015 18:00 JIC JIC 120″: Factories of the Future Viedeň
01.12.2015 09:00 02.12.2015 18:00 Európska Komisia European Smart & Living City conference Luxemburg
01.12.2015 09:00 01.12.2015 18:00 UK HealthTech Brokerage Event at UK HealthTech 2015 Cardiff
01.12.2015 09:00 04.12.2015 18:00 Electri-city European Battery, Hybrid and Fuel Cell Electric Vehicle Congress Brusel
30.11.2015 12:30 30.11.2015 18:00 Európska Komisia Informačný deň na tému nového pracovného programu pre „Výskumné infraštruktúry“ Brusel
30.11.2015 09:00 02.12.2015 18:00 Maďarská akadémia vied, European Physical Society Integrating Access to Pan-European Research Infrastructures in Central and Eastern Europe workshop Debrecen
30.11.2015 00:00 11.12.2015 00:00 OSN COP 21 – 21st session of the Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) Paris
26.11.2015 10:00 26.11.2015 16:00 myEOrganics Managing your farm from space or the transparent farmer? Brusel