Styčná kancelária SR pre výskum a vývoj v Bruseli


Podujatia archív

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Začiatok Koniec Typ Organizátor Názov Miesto konania
03.02.2016 09:00 04.02.2016 18:00 Clay Colloids in Aqueous Systems Berlín
03.02.2016 09:00 06.02.2016 18:00 International Conference on Renewable Energy (INCORE2016) Sharm El Sheikh
03.02.2016 09:00 03.02.2016 18:00 The next generation of Aircraft Fuel Systems: a Step Ahead Bristol
02.02.2016 13:30 02.02.2016 17:00 Spreading Excellence and Widening Participation Info Day Brusel
02.02.2016 09:00 02.02.2016 18:00 EK Info Day on “Spreading Excellence and Widening Participation“ Calls 2016 Brusel
02.02.2016 09:00 02.02.2016 18:00 RFCS Workshop on EU funded steel projects Brusel
29.01.2016 11:08 29.01.2016 11:08 EUREKA Interested in becoming a Eurostar? Find out more and join our webinar (Jan 29) web
28.01.2016 09:00 29.01.2016 18:00 Genome Engineering and Synthetic Biology: Tools and Technologies Ghent
27.01.2016 09:30 27.01.2016 13:00 CoR Think Smart, Think Regional…Let’s Innovate! Brusel
27.01.2016 09:00 28.01.2016 18:00 Biogaz Europe Biogaz Europe: International Business Meetings Nantes