Začiatok: 15. 05. 2019 12:30
Koniec: 15. 05. 2019 14:30
Miesto konania: Brusel
Štát: Belgicko
Dňa 15. mája sa v Bruseli uskutoční seminár zameraný na problematiku kontroly používania a šírenia jadrových zbraní pod názvom „The Crisis of Non-Proliferation – How to Build a New Nuclear Order?“
Podujatie organizuje Lucia Puttrich, ministerka pre federálne a európske záležitostí nemeckého spolkového štátu Hesensko v spolupráci s Leibniz Research Alliance “Crises in a Globalised World” a Research Alliance “The Formation of Normative Orders”.
Počas podujatia bude poskytnutý simultánny preklad do nemeckého a anglického jazyka.
Kompletný program podujatia vrátane nižšie uvedenej anotácie nájdete tu.
V prípade záujmu sa zaregistrujte na:
The nuclear world order is in crisis. Disarmament treaties are being violated or terminated. The way in which the goal of a world without or less nuclear weapons can be achieved is disputed. What are the concrete steps of monitoring, verifying and banning nuclear weapons? How can the existing nuclear order be renewed to achieve the objective of a “global zero”? Which cooperation formats are suitable for discussing the interests of both groups of states, those that have nuclear weapons and those that do not? Against this backdrop, the 11th Crisis Talk provides a framework to discuss the status of international treaties and initiatives. We are particularly interested in the positions of European actors and the question of how a common European position might look like shortly before the 50th anniversary of the Non-Proliferation Treaty.