Styčná kancelária SR pre výskum a vývoj v Bruseli


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10.11.2015 09:00 10.11.2015 19:00 SARIO Slovenská kooperačná burza 2015 Bratislava
10.11.2015 09:00 13.11.2015 18:00 EGI EGI Community Forum 2015: Building Next Generation e-Infrastructures through Communities Bari
10.11.2015 00:00 11.11.2015 00:00 Prague Development Center. Co-organisers and partners are Innovation and Technology Management Academy (ITMA), Czech Chamber for Commercial Relations with the Confederation of Independent States, Enterprise Europe Network (TechnologyCenter ASCR – Czech Republic), Institute of Higher Education Research Konferencia „Industrial Technology and Innovation Transfer divide“ Praha
09.11.2015 09:00 10.11.2015 18:00 Európska Komisia Official international Space Information Day 2015, Brussels Brusel
09.11.2015 09:00 13.11.2015 18:00 GEO GEO week: GEO-XII Plenary and the 2015 Ministerial Summit Mexico City
06.11.2015 09:00 01.01.1970 00:00 Európska Komisia Info Day on Smart Cities & Communities – 2016-2017 Horizon 2020 Work programme ‚Cross-cutting Activities‘ – Call ‚Smart and Sustainable Cities‘ Brusel
05.11.2015 09:00 05.11.2015 18:30 Info Day Horizon 2020 – Smart, green and integrated transport Brusel
28.10.2015 09:00 29.10.2015 16:00 The European Forum for Industrial Biotechnology and the Bioeconomy Brusel
28.10.2015 09:00 28.10.2015 18:00 RICH, DG Innovation and Research Research infrastructure (incl. e-Infrastructure) Workprogramme 2016-2017 Brusel
21.10.2015 00:00 23.10.2015 00:00 Understanding Small Enterprises (USE2015) Conference Groningen