Styčná kancelária SR pre výskum a vývoj v Bruseli


Podujatia archív

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Začiatok Koniec Typ Organizátor Názov Miesto konania
12.02.2015 08:30 12.02.2015 18:00 Information Day & Brokerage event on Horizon 2020 – Smart Cities and Communities 2015 Work Programme Brusel
11.02.2015 10:00 11.02.2015 18:00 Critical Raw Materials Innovation Network 3rd Strategic Innovation Network Workshop for substitution of Critical Raw Materials Brusel
07.02.2015 00:00 12.02.2015 00:00 Photonics West San Francisco
05.02.2015 09:00 05.02.2015 17:00 The two sides of brain circulation – international and intersectoral mobility Viedeň
03.02.2015 09:00 03.02.2015 17:00 How to produce a winning proposal in Horizon 2020 Hamburg
03.02.2015 09:00 03.02.2015 17:00 Clean Sky JU, the ASTech Aerospace Cluster, the Conservatoire National des Arts et Métiers Clean Sky 2 – Info Days Paríž
18.01.2015 09:00 21.01.2015 17:00 The Leibniz Center for Tropical Marine Ecology (ZMT) 1st ZMT Workshop on Science for Sustainability – the Contribution of Transdisciplinary Knowledge Exchange Brémy
09.01.2015 09:00 09.01.2015 16:30 Fast Track to Innovation Pilot (2015-2016) A Free Interactive Information Event Brusel
11.12.2014 13:00 12.12.2014 16:00 RDA and global Data and Computing e-Infrastructure challenges Rím
09.12.2014 08:30 09.12.2014 17:00 Workshop on International Research Marketing and Research Communication Brusel