Styčná kancelária SR pre výskum a vývoj v Bruseli


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Začiatok Koniec Typ Organizátor Názov Miesto konania
01.06.2015 08:30 02.06.2015 16:00 European Academy for Taxes, Economics & Law European seminar on Financing Health Projects with ESI Funds Berlín
01.06.2015 00:01 05.06.2015 23:59 euRathlon/SHERPA SUMMER SCHOOL 2015 ON FIELD ROBOTICS Oulu
29.05.2015 10:30 29.05.2015 12:30 CEPS Accounting for Carbon: Monitoring, Reporting and Verifying Emissions in the Climate Economy Brusel
28.05.2015 09:00 28.05.2015 11:30 Northern Ireland Executive ReNEW – workshop a brokerage podujatie Brusel
28.05.2015 08:30 29.05.2015 18:00 Európska komisia Conference on Future of the doctorate Riga
28.05.2015 08:00 29.05.2015 16:00 Európska komisia Future of the Doctorate Riga
27.05.2015 12:30 28.05.2015 16:30 Building Bridges in Translational Medicine Amsterdam
27.05.2015 00:00 28.05.2015 00:00 12th International Conference of Young Scientists on ENergy Issues (CYSENI 2015) Kaunas
26.05.2015 14:30 26.05.2015 17:00 JIC JIC OPEN DAY Brno
26.05.2015 09:00 26.05.2015 14:00 JRC Slávnostné zahájenie Európskej platformy pre inteligentnú špecializáciu v oblasti energetiky Brusel