Styčná kancelária SR pre výskum a vývoj v Bruseli


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Začiatok Koniec Typ Organizátor Názov Miesto konania
25.05.2015 09:00 29.05.2015 16:00 INSPIRE – Geospatial World Forum INSPIRE – Infrastructure for Spatial Information in Europe Lisabon
21.05.2015 00:00 22.05.2015 00:00 17th International Conference on Transport Science – ICTS 2015 Portrož
19.05.2015 09:00 19.05.2015 16:00 H2020 Factories of the Future (PPP) Brokerage day Varšava
19.05.2015 08:00 29.04.2015 16:00 KU Leuven Europe Inside Out: a summer course unlike any other Brusel
11.05.2015 09:30 12.05.2015 13:00 Eliminating Plastic and Microplastic Pollution – an urgent need (Stakeholder conference) Brusel
11.05.2015 08:30 12.05.2015 16:00 YEAR Annual Conference 2015 Helsinki/Espoo
11.05.2015 08:00 13.05.2015 16:00 Forum Europe 6. výročný európsky samit Internet of Things Brusel
07.05.2015 11:00 08.05.2015 17:00 REGATEC 2015 Barcelona
06.05.2015 08:00 06.05.2015 16:00 Committee of the Regions Key Enabling Technologies for Regional Growth: synergies Between Horizon 2020 and ESIF Brusel
05.05.2015 14:26 07.05.2015 14:26 EIT Innovation Forum INNOVEIT 2015 Budapešť