Styčná kancelária SR pre výskum a vývoj v Bruseli


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Začiatok Koniec Typ Organizátor Názov Miesto konania
05.11.2014 12:00 07.11.2014 18:00 7th European Conference on ICT for Transport Logistics (ECITL) Dortmund
04.11.2014 12:00 04.11.2014 18:00 University of South Wales; Genetic Alliance UK How would European patients with rare diseases regulate medicines? Brusel
04.11.2014 00:00 06.11.2014 00:00 Landesmesse Stuttgart GmbH VISION Stuttgart 2014 Stuttgart
30.10.2014 09:30 31.10.2014 18:00 Universita "POLITEHNICA" v Bukurešti, ITS Rumunsko ITS Romania Congress 2014 – “ 15 years – The way to move „ Bukurešť
28.10.2014 09:00 29.10.2014 17:30 HEALTH INC Towards equitable coverage and more inclusive social protection in health – Final Conference of the Health Inc Project Antwerpy
26.10.2014 09:30 27.10.2014 15:30 Modernizing the public sector and boosting economic growth through Innovation Procurement (Modernizácia verejného sektora a podpora hospodárskeho rastu prostredníctvom inovácií vo verejnom obstarávaní) Miláno
23.10.2014 00:00 24.10.2014 00:00 European Road Profile Users’ Group (ERPUG) Tomorrow’s Road and Infrastructure Monitoring and Management (TRIMM) final conference Brusel
21.10.2014 14:00 21.10.2014 17:00 The County of Norrbotten, The County of Västerbotten in Northern Sweden Sustainable Mining in Arctic Region (Udržateľná ťažba v arktickom regióne) Brusel
21.10.2014 09:30 21.10.2014 18:00 Európska komisia, DG Research and Innovation Information Days on the Research PPPs on Factories of the Future, Energy-efficient Buildings, Green Vehicles and Sustainable Process Industry Brusel
20.10.2014 09:45 21.10.2014 15:30 A3PS Eco-Mobility 2014 Viedeň